Secondary Sources: Basic Resources
America: History and Life (1955- ) includes books, book chapters, journal articles, and book reviews for North American history.
Historical Abstracts (1954- ) includes books, book chapters, journal articles (but not book reviews) for non-North American history, 1450-date.
Oxford Bibliographies Online are literature guides in several humanities and social sciences areas. Oxford Bibliographies by subject
When you have an old reference, use it to find more recent works with the Web of Science Citation Indexes.
If you find an online bibliography (Search in Google, say, "Civil War" Medicine Bibliography), run interesting books or articles through the Web of Science [Covers: science, 1900- ; social science, 1900- ; arts/humanities, 1975- .] Cited Reference Search. This search gives you more recent articles (or books, 2005- ) citing a particular book or article, and which may be available via HOLLIS.
Open Cited Reference Search. Put your author in the first box (initials only): Harris E. Specify the work with its date, not its title (Titles are abbreviated variously). Select the pertinent records, which are largely unordered, in the results screen. Searching a common name will yield numerous irrelevant results. Finish search. A guide is available: Searching the Citation Indexes (Web of Science).
Searching Secondary Sources Full Text
Several online collections of secondary sources are full text searchable. Records for articles in them are in HOLLIS, but if you have a specific topic, say a person’s name or organization, these databases may give you online books or articles containing them.
ACLS Humanities E-Book Project includes over 2200 largely history titles. Largely 1950-1999, some earlier, later. Browsable and searchable by LC Subject Heading.
Arts & Humanities Full Text offers about 500 journals and magazines
Cambridge University Press. To search within specific subjects, start from "Browse subjects" (an option in the top nav bar). If you hit a paywall, search for the title in HOLLIS; it's likely that Harvard has licensed the item via a different platform.
JSTOR offers full-text of the full runs of scholarly journals from a range of disciplines. Harvard's subscription does not include the JSTOR books. There is often a "moving wall" excluding recent issues. Advanced search is best
Latin American History Collection eBooks offers full text of monographs on Latin American history, mostly published in Spain
CAIRN (2001- ) is a searchable collection of French-language ejournals for the humanities and social sciences.
Periodicals Archive Online contains several hundred English and Western European language journals from their inceptions to 1995 or 2005. Limit to historical journals by adjusting Journal Subject(s) menu to History (General) or History (various regional categories), although this will exclude historical articles in non-history journals
Project Muse offers full-text of scholarly journals and books. Primarily humanities and social sciences.
UPSO: University Press Scholarship Online
Torrossa: Casalini offers full text of books and journals in humanities and social sciences from Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese publishers.
Digitalia Française is a collection of French language ebooks.
Digitalia Catalan, Digitalia Hispanica and Digitalia Portuguesa are e-book collections.
L'Harmatheque offers ebooks, articles, videos, and audio recordings in the humanities and social sciences from a variety of French publishing imprints. Contains over 26,000 ebooks, 17,000 articles, 400 films, and 600 audio files. At least 2,300 new titles are added to the collection annually.
Zentrales Verzeichnis Digitalisierter Drucke (ZVDD) is the German national portal for digitized scholarly imprints. Searches easily limited by century of publication.
Leo S. Olschki eBooks Collection: Post 2000 (2000-2010) includes over 1,000 monographs and conference proceedings published by Leo S.Olschki covering humanities and social sciences. Strongest in Italian literature, history, and philosophy.
Secondary Sources: Additional Resources
Look for specialized subject bibliographies which may include secondary sources in the HOLLIS Catalog: Search, e.g., <"science and state" [Keyword search] AND bibliography [Subject Keyword search]> on Advanced Search screen or in WorldCat.
Finding Dissertations and Theses
America: History and Life (1955- ) includes books, book chapters, journal articles, and book reviews.
Historical Abstracts (1954- ) includes books, book chapters, journal articles (but not book reviews) for non-North American history, 1450-date.
Web of Science Citation Indexes allow citation searching, that is, starting with an article of interest and finding more recent articles that have cited it. Covers: science, 1900- ; social science, 1900- ; arts/humanities, 1975- . More information.
JSTOR offers full-text of complete runs (up to about 5 years ago) of over 1900 journals. Allows simultaneous or individual searching, full-text searching optional, of many historical journals. Included journals are listed under discipline on the Advanced Search page. Harvard does not have access to the JSTOR full text books.
Periodicals Index Online (PIO) indexes over 5500 English and Western European language journals from their inceptions to 1995. Includes 218 journals in American history and 840 journals in world history. Also numerous journals in related subjects. Limit to historical journals by adjusting Journal Subject(s) menu to History (General) or History (The Americas), although this will exclude historical articles in non-history journal s. Includes book reviews. PIO searches full text Periodicals Archive Online (PAO)which contains a, roughly 700 journal subset of the journals in PIO. PAO extends to 2000, and to 2005 for recently added journals.
Other General Sources and Special Topics
Bibliographie internationale de la demographie historique (1978- ) offers references with brief annotations arranged by subject classification, with author, chronological, and geographical indexes.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC HB871.B52x
C.R.I.S.: the combined retrospective index set to journals in history (1838 -1974) indexes historical articles in over 900 journals. World history in vols. 1-4; United States history in vols. 5-9; author index in vols. 10-11.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC D20.Z99 C65 1977x Library has: 11 v.
Current bibliography of urban history (1974- ) is published in Urban history (1992- ) and previously in Urban history yearbook (1974-91) .
LOCATION: Loeb Design: Per
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC HT101.U675 Current Issues: Periodicals Reading Room Stacks
LOCATION: Loeb Design: NAC 210g85 Ur 1 1974-79 (Urban history yearbook)
LOCATION: Widener: Soc 574.143.30 (Urban history yearbook)
Historische Bibliographie (1986- ) covers the Ancient world through twentieth century. Largely European: small section for Asia, Africa, and the Americas. Includes monographs, journal articles, and articles in collective works.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC D20.Z99 H575x
LOCATION: Widener: XVTS 38 CD-ROM, 1990-96
International bibliography of historical sciences (1926- ) is a classified, selected bibliography of historical works, including book reviews, on history, broadly defined. Volume (15) for 1940-1946 has not appeared.
LOCATION: Widener: RR 3601.22 Latest 5 years WID-LC D20.Z99 I58x Earlier
JSTOR allows simultaneous or individual searching, full-text searching optional, of several historical journals from their inceptions to about 5 years ago. JSTOR provides a list of included History journals.
Mariner's mirror bibliography (1983- ) lists books and articles on maritime history.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC VK145.Z99 M37x
International Medieval Bibliography.
Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index.
Iter Bibliography covers Medieval and Renaissance studies literature, including journal articles (some since 1794), essays, books, and dissertations.
Bibliographie annuelle du moyen-âge tardif, 1991- .
Medioevo latino, 1980- . Medioevo latino (CD-ROM version).
Index of Medieval manuscripts allows location of references to specific medieval manuscripts in secondary works.
Archiv fur Reformationsgeschichte. Beiheft, Literaturbericht (1972- ) includes general as well as religious history.
LOCATION: Andover-Harv. Theol: Ref. Z7830.A7
LOCATION: Widener: C 7525.14.5
LOCATION: Widener: C 7525.14.6
Bibliografia italiana di studi sull'umanesimo ed il Rinascimento (1989- ). Bibliographies for 1985-88 were published in the journal, Rinascimento, 2nd ser. vols. 26-29.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC DG533.Z99 B53x
LOCATION: Widener: Ital 370.77 (Rinascimento)
Bibliographie internationale de l'Humanisme et de la Renaissance (1965- ) is an annual bibliography of books and articles on all aspects of the 15th and 16th centuries. There is about a 4 year delay in publication. Print version:
LOCATION: Andover-Harv. Theol: Ref. D228.B52
LOCATION: Fine Arts: RFA 246.8
LOCATION: Widener: H 680.7 .
Iter: Gateway to the Middle Ages and Renaissance. The Journals Bibliography contains over 100,000 records for periodical articles in over 200 journals dating 1700 to the present. Includes book reviews.
Literature of the Renaissance (1953-1968) emphasizes literature but with general and historical material as well. Subject classification with index of proper names.
LOCATION: Widener: Lit 305.50 (1953-1968 incomplete)
Recent literature of the Renaissance. In: Studies in Philology (April issue), 1939-53.
LOCATION: Lamont: Periodicals
LOCATION: Widener: Philol 344.5
Eighteenth century, 1975- .
LOCATION: Widener: RR 3603.8 Latest WID-LC CB411.E333x Earlier
Continues: Eighteenth century: A current bibliography. In: Philological quarterly, 1926-1974.
LOCATION: Lamont: Periodicals
LOCATION: Widener: Philol 346.6
LOCATION: Widener: Philol 346.6.2Cumulated in: English literature, 1660-1800; a bibliography of modern studies.
LOCATION: Child Memorial: ChM 1003.12.5 Library has: v.1-4
LOCATION: Lamont: REF.ROOM PR83.Z99 E53x 1950 Library has: 6 v.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC PR437.Z99 E53x Library has: 6 v.
LOCATION: Widener: 10441.474 Library has: v.1-2; 1926-50
Bibliographie zur Zeitgeschichte (1953-2009) covers twentieth century world history, but focus is strongly on Germany and the World Wars in Europe.
LOCATION: History Dept: Ordered--currently received
LOCATION: Law School: ILS D 410.V5 Suppl. 1954-
LOCATION: Widener: HP1.4 v.1-30 HP144.2 v.31-36
LOCATION: WID-LC D421.Z99B53x v.37-
Cumulated in: Bibliographie zur Zeitgeschichte, 1953-1980.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC D421.Z99 B52 x, 1982 Library has: 5 v.
v. 4 Supplement, -1989
v. 5 Supplement, -1995
Periodical Indexes: By Country/Region
Africa-Wide: NiPAD (NISC) (19th century- ) includes 40 African studies databases
For more sources see Finding Periodical Articles and Book Reviews on Africa
Bibliography of Asian Studies (1971- ) indexes humanities and social sciences literature on East, Southeast, and South Asia. Monographs published since 1992 are not included.
More indexes in: East Asian Studies Research Guide: 4. Journal Literature
Finding Periodical Articles and Book Reviews on South and Southeast Asia
See also the reference guides listed under Conducting Research on the Harvard Yenching website.
European National Historical Bibliographies
Bibliographie annuelle de l'histoire de France du cinqième siècle à ... (1953- ) is a classified index to French historical writings.
LOCATION: Widener: RR 3731.46 Latest 10 years WID-LC DC38.Z99B53x Earlier
Coverage has changed:
Volumes for 1953-1963 cover "cinqième siècle à 1939".
Volumes for 1964-1974 cover "cinqième siècle à 1945".
Volumes for 1975-current cover "cinqième siècle à 1958".For earlier articles see:
Repertoire bibliographique de l'histoire de France.
LOCATION: Widener: RR 3731.45 Library has: 1-6, 1920-1931Repertoire methodique de l'histoire moderne et contemporaine de la France.
LOCATION: Widener: RR 3731.43 Library has: 1898-1912Bibliographie des travaux publies de 1866 a 1897 sur l'histoire de la France de 1500 à 1789, by E. Saulnier.
LOCATION: Widener: RR 3731.42 Library has: v. 1-2 in 1Bibliographie des travaux publies de 1866 a 1897 sur l'histoire de la France depuis 1789, by P. Caron.
LOCATION: Microforms (Lamont): Harvard Depository Film W 16971
LOCATION: Widener: Harvard Depository XP 6
LOCATION: Widener: RR 3731.42.5
Bibliographie en langue francaise d'histoire du droit (1957- ) is a bibliography of books and periodical articles on French social history from 987 to 1875.
LOCATION: Law School: FRA 020 LEP 1960-94
LOCATION: Widener: Fr 55.102 .
Bibliographie générale des travaux historiques et archéologiques: publiés par les sociétés savantes de la France. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1885-1918. 6 v.
Google Books (v 2 & 4 only)
Full text in Hathi Trust (6 v.)
Location : Widener WID-LC DC17.Z99 L37 1888x
--Contents : t. 1. Ain-Gironde -- t. 2. Hérault-Haute-Savoie -- t. 3. Seine: Paris -- t. 4. Seine: Paris. Seine-et-Marne-Yonne. Colonies. Instituts francais à l’étranger -- t. 5. Supplement. Ain-Savoie (Haute-) -- t. 6. Supplement. Seine: Paris. Seine-et-Marne-Yonne. Colonies. Instituts français à l’étranger. Index des volumes analysés dans les tomes I à VI.
Vols. 1-4 cover the literature published to the year 1885; v. 5-6, 1886-1900.
Continued by: Bibliographie générale des travaux historiques et archéologiques publiés par les sociétés savantes de la France: période 1910-1940, by René Gandilhon and Charles Samaran. Paris: Impr. nationale, 1944-1961. 5 v.
Google Books v. 2 only
Full text in Hathi Trust (5 v.)
Widener | Harvard Depository
Bibliographie zur Zeitgeschichte (1953- ) covers twentieth century world history, but focus is strongly on Germany and the World Wars in Europe.
LOCATION: History Dept: Ordered--currently received
LOCATION: Law School: ILS D 410.V5 Suppl. 1954-
LOCATION: Widener: HP1.4 v.1-30 HP144.2 v.31-36 WID-LC D421.Z99B53x v.37-
Cumulated in: Bibliographie zur Zeitgeschichte, 1953-1980.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC D421.Z99 B52 x, 1982 Library has: 3 v.Available online from 1996 to present. Adjust the menu of one field to Bibliogr. z. Zeitgesch.
About the Bibliographie zur Zeitgeschichte. Note some of the links in this article do not work
Jahresberichte für deutsche geschichte (1925-40, 1949- ) is a list of new publications on German history. Covers Antiquity through World War II. The online version of Jahresberichte für deutsche Geschichte includes from 1974 forward. Issues from 1925-1938 are also available online.
LOCATION: Widener: Ger 55.64.15
Continues: Jahresberichte der Geschichtswissenschaft, 1878-1913.
LOCATION: Microforms (Lamont): Film SC 416 Microfilm. 1.-36. Jahrg. (1878-1913)
LOCATION: Widener: H 8.78.3
Writings on Irish history (1984- ) lists citations by author under major chronological periods.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC DA910.Z99.W75x (1984- )
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC DA910.Z99 C85 1986x (1984: with addenda from 1973-84)
LOCATION: Microforms (Lamont): Microfiche S 407 (1979-82)
Bibliografia storica nazionale, 1939-
Print 1939-1999, Online 2000-2008.
Bibliografia anual de historia de Portugal: da prehistoria a 1974.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC DP538.Z99 B53x (1989-91)
Svensk historisk bibliografi (1977- ; strongest 1994- ) indexes monographs and collections, articles in periodicals and collections, and book reviews. An English version is available.
ABSEES (American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies) (Late 1980s-)
European Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies (EBSEES), 1991-2007.
European bibliography of Soviet, East European and Slavonic studies. Paris: Editions de l'Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, Institut d'études slaves. Fung Library | Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies | DJK 9.Z99 E97 x
Widener | WID-LC | DJK 9.Z99 E97x
Bibliografía española de revistas científicas de ciencias sociales y humanidades (1995- ) is a CD-ROM
LOCATION: Widener: Harvard Depository
Indice espanol de humanidades. Serie B, Ciencias historicas, 1989-1997.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC D20.Z99 I53xWhich continues:
Indice espanol de humanidades, 1976-88.
Indice historico espanol, 1953- .
LOCATION: History Dept: Hist 44.200
LOCATION: Widener: RR3761.6 Latest 5 years
WID-LC DP66.Z99 I53x Earlier
Online version
For earlier articles see:
Fuentes de la historia espanola e hispanoamericana: ensayo de bibliografia sistematica de impresos y manuscritos que ilustran la historia politica de Espana y sus antiguas provincias de ultramar, by B. Sanchez Alonso. 1952.
LOCATION: History Dept: Hist 1300.507 Library has: 3 v.
LOCATION: Widener: RR 3761. 4 Library has: 3 v. in 2
Bibliography of British and Irish History is a comprehensive bibliography of books and periodical articles on British and British colonial history. Most historical society publications were excluded. Includes Writings on British history (1901-1974; Widener: WID-LC DA30.Z99 W75x) but excludes its book reviews (1901-1947). More information from Institute of Historical Research and Royal Historical Society.
Index to journal articles on Australian history for 1979 [-1988].
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC DU110.Z99 C75 x 1981, etc.
LOCATION: Widener: Harvard Depository DU110.Z99 C74 x, 1981 (for 1974-78)
LOCATION: Widener: Harvard Depository DU110.Z99 H63x (through 1973)
Victorian Database Online (1945- ) emphasizes literature but also covers other aspects of Victorian culture and society in Britain and in the colonies where publications concern political/administrative subjects or relationships with Great Britain. Covers approx. 1830-1914. Includes books, articles, and book reviews.
In printed form: Cumulative bibliography of Victorian studies, 1985-99
LOCATION: Widener: RR 3703.19.25.1Which continues:
A Comprehensive bibliography of Victorian studies, 1970-84.
LOCATION: Widener: RR 3703.19.25.05 Library has: 3 v.
Victorian bibliography (1932- ) is a selective, classified bibliography, with author and subject index, on all aspects of the Victorian period. Published in the journal Victorian studies, 1958- .
LOCATION: Widener: Br 22.5 Current Issues: Periodicals Reading Room
Cumulated in: Bibliographies of studies in Victorian literature, 1932-1984:
LOCATION: Child Memorial: ChM 1047.1 [1945-54]
LOCATION: Lamont: PR731.Z99 T4x [1932-44]
LOCATION: Widener: 10441.350 [1932-44]
LOCATION: Widener: RR 3115.26 [1932-84]
Handbook of Latin American studies (1936- ) is a comprehensive annotated bibliography. Not every subject occurs in each volume. Since 1963, social science and humanities are issued in alternate years. A topical article is included in each volume. Also available in print:
LOCATION: Gutman Education: Z1605.I123 1963-1971
LOCATION: Lamont: REF.ROOM F1408.Z99 H23x Latest fifteen years only
LOCATION: Tozzer: REF F 1401.Z99 H3 1936- .
LOCATION: Widener: RR3653.4 Latest ten years only
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC F1408.Z99 H36x Earlier
HAPI, Hispanic American periodicals index (1970- ) indexes most Latin American periodicals in full, and articles on Latin America and U. S. Hispanics from periodicals worldwide. Includes book reviews. Also available in print:
LOCATION: Tozzer: REF F 1408.H3
LOCATION: Widener: RR 663.219 & 663.221.
For more sources see Finding Periodical Articles and Book Reviews on Latin America
Index Islamicus (1906- ) indexes publications in European languages on all aspects of Islam and the Muslim world. It covers journals, series, conference proceedings, monographs, multi-authored works, and book reviews.
For earlier and supplementary material:
Index Islamicus, 1665-1905: a bibliography of articles on Islamic subjects in periodicals and other collective publications, by W. H. Behn.
LOCATION: Andover-Harv. Theol: Ref. DS44.I36
LOCATION: Fine Arts: Reading Room RFA31.60
LOCATION: Gibb Islamic: DS35.6.Z99 I518 x, 1989
LOCATION: Law School: Islamic Reference DS 44.Z99 I525x 1989
LOCATION: Widener: RR 4881.10.9
Index Islamicus supplement 1665-1980. Bio-bibliographical supplement to Index Islamicus, by W. H. Behn, 1665-1980; 2 pts.
LOCATION: Fine Arts: Reading Room RFA31.60.7
LOCATION: Gibb Islamic: DS35.6.Z99 B45 1995x
LOCATION: Law School: Islamic Reference DS 44.Z99 I5252x 1995
LOCATION: Widener: RR 4881.10.5
America: History and Life (1955- ) includes books, book chapters, journal articles, and book reviews.
Bibliography of American historical societies (the United States and the dominion of Canada) gives contents of their proceedings and other publications with a subject index.
HathiTrust Version
Classified bibliography of the periodical literature of the trans-Mississippi West (1811-1957). Classified by subject with author index. No subject index.
LOCATION: Widener: Soc 501.461 vol.19
LOCATION: Widener: Soc 501.461 vol.26 A supplement (1957-67), 1970
Cumulated magazine subject index (1907-1949) indexes periodicals not included in other indexes. Good for history, especially local history, outdoor subjects, library science (1918-49), and fine arts. Arranged by subject, except for literary works by major authors, which are listed by author. Minor literary works are omitted.
LOCATION: Widener: RR 663. 3.5 F Library has: 2 v.
Periodical source index (1986- ) indexes genealogical periodicals.
LOCATION: Widener: WID-LC CS1.P47 (1986-1997)
Retrospective edition: Periodical source index, 1847-1985 covers the United States (fiche 1-20), non-U.S. (fiche 21-23), and families (fiche 24-40).
Location : Microforms (Lamont) Microfiche W 5296
Location : Widener WID-LC CS9.Z99 P47 1988x (vol. 17 only)
Writings on American history (1902-1990) is a classified bibliography of books (through 1973 only) and articles (book reviews included through 1940). Author, title, and subject indexes. None issued for 1904-1905 and 1941-1947. There is a cumulative index for 1902-1940. Canada was included through 1935. The years 1962-1973 are cumulated in 4 v. Note the lists of periodicals cited for coverage. Contains many items not in America, History and Life, especially those appearing in local publications.
HathiTrust Version (Full text 1902-1990)