
Unabridged: A Master Class in Library Research (for graduate students)

January 12-20, 2022
Apply by October 31, 2021 - Note: priority is given to applications received by October 31st, but we continue to accept applications on a rolling basis as long as we have room on the wait list. 

For more information and to apply, visit: 

The Unabridged 2022 January Program will meet in person over two weeks: January 12-13 and January 18-20, 1:00-4:30 PM.

Unabridged is a multi-day library master class for GSAS and DCE graduate students designed to help you lay the groundwork for an entire research career, helping you to become more effective, resourceful, and creative. This intensive program offered during January@GSAS features a host of experts from across the university, offering a multi-disciplinary perspective on research practices. 

Zotero classes

Attend a Zotero class to learn how to:

  • Easily save references
  • Organize PDFs
  • Create in-text citations & footnotes
  • Create bibliographies automatically

Find dates for online and in-person classes and register.

Visualization Workshops

The library is offering a series of data visualization workshops this semester. Use the links below to get more information about a workshop and enroll in one of the sessions.



The Philip Hofer Prize is awarded each year to a student whose collection of books or works of art best exemplifies the traditions of breadth, coherence, and imagination represented by Philip Hofer, A.B. ‘21, L.H.D. ‘67, founder and first Curator of the Department of Printing & Graphic Arts in the Houghton Library and Secretary of the Fogg Art Museum. A first prize of $3,000 and second and third prizes of $1,500 and $750 will be offered in 2021–22.

Rules for entry are given on the Houghton Library website

The deadline for submissions is MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2022.

For further information, contact Peter X. Accardo, Scholarly and Public Programs Librarian, in Houghton Library, at


HOLLIS has eliminated the  recall function.  Rather than recalling a book, a Borrow  Direct or Interlibrary Loan is done.


Millions of books from NYPL, Columbia, and Princeton stored in a facility in New Jersey (ReCAP) now have records in HOLLIS Everything and are available for speedy (1-4 day) Interlibrary Loan.  This means that if you usually use HOLLIS Library Catalog to find books, you will miss any that Harvard does not have.  So you may wish to use HOLLIS Everything and limit to Resource Type: Books. When you find a ReCAP record for a book we have, when you hit How to get it you will be taken to the HOLLIS Library Catalog record.  If it is out, hit Interlibrary Loan, and the ReCAP book will be obtained.

WorldCat offers a much larger search of other libraries and retrieves more non-Harvard books

Featured E-Resource: Oxford Research Encyclopedias

The Oxford Research Encyclopedias offer numerous articles reviewing specialized topics.  Each article has sections on Discussion of the Literature and on Primary Sources, together with a Further Reading bibliography and footnotes. Encyclopedias are now available for:

Open Access Periodicals

Here are some major sources for open access periodicals

Internet Archive

Many are available full text in the Internet Archive, including numerous trade periodicals. Search: collection:(Periodicals) AND Railroads. Select Media Type: Collections

In Advanced search:

Any field: Your topic
Collection is: Periodicals

You can search full text within a particular volume, over the whole Internet Archive, or within a particular Collection. 

  • Periodicals
  • Serials in Microfilm

Omit colons (:) and other punctuation in titles

These searches yield individual issues and whole runs.  Isolate whole runs by choosing Collections under Media Type.

Online Books Page

Online Books Page has many links to digitized periodicals.  You can search readily in the Online Books Page via Google Advanced Search.  Example:

all these words: Periodicals
any of these words: Railroad Railroads

site or domain:

The Online Books Page has a periodicals list (incomplete) that can be browsed or screen searched.


WorldCat allows limiting a search to open access material. Use Advanced Search. Check Search in database: OpenAccessContent. Select Document Type: Serial Publications.

Omit colons (:) and other punctuation in titles

Nineteenth Century Periodicals Pathfinder offers a list of digitized periodicals

RSAP Resources for Research: Periodicals (Research Society for American Periodicals) provides links to collections of 18th, 19th, and 20th century full-text periodicals.  Offer list by region and subject.

DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)

Reference Books in Internet Archive

Internet Archive includes numerous reference books (biographical dictionaries, subject encyclopedias, bibliographies) full text (usually to borrow).  A much higher percentage than ordinary (reading) books.

The Columbia guide to American Indians of the Northeast, by Kathleen J. Bragdon. NY: Columbia University Press, 2001, 292 p.
HOLLIS Record (print only)
Internet Archive full text

Sometimes multivolume works are incomplete.

Foreign Office Historical Handbooks

Prepared under the direction of the historical section of the Foreign Office (UK), there are handbooks on numerous countries (including colonial possessions) worldwide describing the situation at the time of the Paris Peace Conference (1919-20).  A few cover topics or regions (Zionism, Question of the Scheldt, Portuguese possessions).   HOLLIS Records for individual volumes.

Library of Congress Full text
HathiTrust Full text

    v. 1. Austria-Hungary (I), no. 1-7.
    v. 2. Austria-Hungary (II), no. 8-14.
    v. 3. The Balkan states (I), no. 15-18.
    v. 4. The Balkan states (II), no. 19-23.
    v. 5. The Netherlands, no. 25-29.
    v. 6. France, Italy, Spain, etc., no. 30-31; 33-36.
    v. 7. Germany, no. 37-42.
    v. 8. Poland and Finland, no. 43-48.
    v. 9. The Russian Empire, no. 50-56.
    v. 10. Mohammedanism; Turkey in Asia (I), no. 57-60; 162.
    v. 11. Turkey in Asia (II), no. 61-66.
    v. 12. China, Japan, Siam, no. 67-74.
    v. 13. Persian Gulf; French and Portuguese possessions [in Asia], no. 76-81.
    v. 14. Dutch and British possessions [in Asia], no. 82-88.
    v. 15. Partition of Africa; British possessions [in Africa] (I), no. 89-95.
    v. 16. British possessions [in Africa], II; The Congo, no. 96-99.
    v. 17. French possessions [in Africa], no. 100-109.
    v. 18. German possessions [in Africa] , no. 110-114.
    v. 19. Portuguese possessions [in Africa], no. 115-121.
    v. 20. Spanish and Italian possessions [in Africa]; Independent states [in Africa], no. 122-130.
    v. 21. North, Central and South America; Atlantic Islands, no. 131-138.
    v. 22. Pacific Islands, no. 139-147.
    v. 23. International affairs, no. 148-152.
    v. 24. Congresses; German Opinion, no. 153-157.
    v. 25. Indemnities, Plebiscites, etc., no. 158-161.

New Slavic/Eurasian Library Newsletter and Guides

The Slavic and Eurasian Collective (a group of Harvard librarians concerned with this region) introduces the Harvard Slavic Library Newsletter.

Digital Resources for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies. This guide describes online resources for research in Post-Soviet and Eurasian studies available via Harvard digital platforms or produced and freely accessible outside the Harvard system     
--Note the Open Access link on the Archives page. At Please find our list of open access resources for research in Soviet History there is a large list of resources. 

And several other guides.

Library How-To Guides

Finding Harvard Library's Unique or Distinctive Primary Sources: Original and Digital  This is a draft attempt to offer suggestions for browsing and surveying Harvard's vast collections of unique material.

Non-Harvard Resources

Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation (Smithsonian Institution) Archives database contains records for invention, technology, and science-related collections in archives, libraries, historical societies, and museums in the US and Canada.

International Digital Ephemera Project (UCLA) is a collection of worldwide ephemera.

Walter O. Evans Collection of Frederick Douglass and Douglass Family Papers

New News Resources

The University of Illinois Library Newspaper Database includes titles and location of newspapers in major microfilm and online collections.  You can search by title, by Collection, by Subject (for example, Native American), Year, and by State or City.  You will be directed to the proper microfilm or online collection. 

Online Collections
--Includes: America’s Historical Newspapers, American Indian Newspapers, Chronicling America  Independent Voices, ProQuest Historical Newspapers, World Newspaper Archive and several others
--Not Ethnic NewsWatch, Indigenous Peoples: North America, NewspaperArchive,, many others

Microfilm Collections
--Includes all 4 major Native American collections, several Underground Press collections, and several others

It doesn’t work perfectly. It missed the Seattle Daily Times in America’s Historical Newspapers. Possibly the Seattle Daily Times (1923-1984) is a recent addition to AHN, added since the last loading of titles into the Newspaper Database

Free Access to the NYT from Harvard Library

American Prison Newspapers, 1800-2020: Voices from the Inside

RetroNews offers added functionality and content to the newspapers available via Gallica.

Cumhuriyet Digital Archive, 1930- . Turkish newspaper  

Ethnic Press Database retrieves newspapers in the collection of the Center for Research Libraries (CRL)
--For papers available online :Choose Limit/Modify Search, then Reproduction Type: Online
--Other papers are available on microfilm via Interlibrary Loan
--For help accessing non-open access material

New E-Resources

General  --  Africa  --  Asia --  Middle East  --  North America  --  Russia/Central Asia


Migration to New Worlds explores the movement of peoples from Great Britain, Ireland, mainland Europe and Asia to the New World and Australasia.


Evangelism in Africa: Correspondence of the Board of Foreign Missions, 1835‐1910

Missionary Archives from Lesotho, 1832-2006 contains archives of the Lesotho missionary-historian, D.F. Ellenberger. Includes the Lesotho Evangelical Church magazine, the Leselinyana (1863-2006). Includes historical maps, church archives, personal registers (birth, baptism, and marriage)


中国历史文献总库. 民国图书数据库 = Early twentieth century books in China, 1911-1949

Evangelism in India: Correspondence of the Board of Foreign Missions, 1833-1910

Korea scholar : journal information service system. Full text database including over 253 Korean scholarly journals available from the first issue.

Middle East

Evangelism and the Syria-Lebanon Mission: Correspondence of the Board of Foreign Missions, 1869-1910

The Coptic Gnostic Library Online

LexiQamus helps researchers decipher illegible words in Ottoman manuscripts. Searches a database of words and phrases from 19 dictionaries published 1860-1928.

North America

Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Law and Order in 19th Century America (History Vault)

Prize Papers Online 1: American Revolutionary War and Fourth Anglo-Dutch War (From the papers of the High Court of the Admiralty (Great Britain)

Quest for Labor Equality in Household Work: National Domestic Workers Union, 1965-1979

Warfare in North America, c. 1756-1815

Technical report archive & image library: US government technical reports

Russia/Central Asia

30 dnei (1925-19410) Illustrated Soviet literary journal

Russian Institute of Social Sciences Publications

Belarusian Politics and Society web archive

Nachno-izdatelʹskiĭ proekt "Ėlektronnai︠a︡ kollekt︠s︡ii︠a︡ Letopiseĭ RKP za 100 let (1917-2017 gg.). Periodical/newspaper indexes

Video Appeals to the President of Russia web archive

Iskusstvo kino Digital Archive (1931-2012) a cinema magazine

Krasnyi Digital Archive (1922-1941) contains a journal which published 19th and 20th century Tsarist Russian archival documents.

Sovetskaia kul''tura  1929-   Soviet culture magazine. About

Krokodil Digital Archive  satirical magazine published in the Soviet Union 1922-2008

Niva Digital Archive (1870-1918 ) Niva was an illustrated weekly journal of literature, politics and modern life.

Ogonek (1899-1918) St.Petersburg magazine